Posts tagged with "Member State discretion":

What to do with Altmark Trans? The judgments of the General Court in Case T-309/12 Zweckverband Tierkörperbeseitigung and in Case T-295/12 Germany v Commission

2015. January 13. 14:52

Marton Varju

In 2003, the judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-280/00 Altmark Trans heralded a new era under EU law for the financing of public services in the Member States. It distinguished between state aid and compensation paid for the delivery of services of general economic interest, clarified the circumstances in which the financing of public services would qualify as public service compensation and would be compatible with EU law, and it suggested a decentralised framework for the application of the new rules. By determining the criteria for public service compensation, the judgment has increased certainty in the interpretation and application of the relevant Treaty provisions.

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